Ali Rohanizadeh

Electronic Engineer with 15+ years of experience in embedded systems and software

Profile picture
This is me, in Moghadam Museum in Tehran, Iran.
Hi there, welcome to my personal page. My name is Ali Rohanizadeh and I am an electronic engineer with a passion for creating innovative solutions using embedded systems and software. I have more than 15 years of experience in designing and developing embedded hardware and software for various industries, such as agriculture, automotive, IoT, and smart city. I have worked on many projects, ranging from sensor networks and wireless communication to machine learning and computer vision. I am proficient in programming languages such as C, C++, Python, Java, and Kotlin, and I enjoy learning new technologies and tools. On this page, you can find some of my work experiences and projects that showcase my skills and interests. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or feedback. Thank you for visiting.